How to Address and Prevent Gum Recession

Posted on September 26, 2024 by Admin

How to Address and Prevent Gum Recession

Recession of the gums has affected not only the oral health but also how confident a person can be. Among the most prevalent issues millions of people are fighting today is gum recession, a process whereby gum tissue peels off from the teeth, thus exposing the very sensitive roots. This, while it appears to be merely cosmetic initially, is a potential cause of tooth sensitivity, decay, and eventual loss if the recession is not treated appropriately.

Fortunately, gum recession can be largely prevented by good oral hygiene and frequent dental care.


Causes of Gum Recession

To better discuss ways to prevent and treat gum recession, it is best to first understand its common causes. Some of the most common include the following:


Aggressive brushing: By using a hard-bristled toothbrush or merely brushing too hard, the gum tissue can wear away over time.

Periodontal disease: Uncontrolled gum disease that remains in the body, characterised by inflammation and subsequent infection, eventually leading to gum recession.

Genetics: Genes may be the cause that one has a greater predisposition towards gum recession than others due to his/her biological makeup.

-Crooked teeth: Since crooked teeth are hard to clean, they are more prone to gum recession.


How to Prevent Gum Recession

To reverse and prevent gum recession, some effective measures are basically related to good oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist. More precisely, some of the steps one can adopt include:


  1. Mild Brushing: The teeth are supposed to be brushed in a circular motion with the aid of a soft-bristle toothbrush. Back and forth scrubbing should be avoided since it puts a significant amount of stress on the gum tissues.


  1. Flossing daily: Most of the plaque and food particles get accumulated between the teeth, which is somewhere even a toothbrush cannot reach. This would avoid accumulation, thus preventing gum recession and other health-related oral problems.


  1. Antiseptic Mouthwash: Antibacterial mouthwash goes in sync with the antibacterial action of baking soda, reducing plaque and thus inflammation in the mouth. Lowering the chance for the development of gum recession.


  1. Quit Smoking: It is the major risk factor for the development of gum recession and other periodontal diseases. Abstinence from smoking radically improves your oral health.


  1. Regular dental visitation: Clean teeth regularly and come for frequent examinations to allow the identification of gum recession at an incipient stage of development. Your dentist will be able to give you individual recommendations about your oral hygiene routine.


Gum Recession Treatment

If you already manifest the signs of gum recession, then it's of key importance that you treat the problem to avert further damage. Your dentist may recommend one or more of the following treatments for this case:


This deep cleaning is called scaling and root planing. During this process, plaque and tartar will be removed from below the gum line, and the roots of teeth are smoothened so that the gum re-attaches.


Gum Grafting: Your dentist will surgically remove a small tissue from the roof of your mouth or other donor source and then apply it to the affected area. This tissue is stitched over the exposed root area, which besides covering up the root, basically works to stop further recession of the gums.


Dental bonding: The roots are covered by placing a tooth-coloured resin material which seals them in from sensitivity or possible decay.


The braces or aligners straighten the teeth hence allowing good cleaning and prevents gum recession by ensuring proper biting.



Gum recession is quite a common trouble that, if not treated otherwise, may become a serious menace to one's dental health. Still, with proper prevention and early intervention, healthy gums and a beautiful smile could be guaranteed throughout life. Maintaining good oral hygiene together with smoking cessation and visiting the dentist regularly will drastically decrease the risk of developing gum recession. If there is any sign of possible gum recession, seek treatment right away. Only your dentist will be able to advise the best course of action to treat your teeth and gums problem and avoid further issues.

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  • 1. Do receding gums grow back?

    No, the gum tissue will not grow back once it has receded. Still the further progress of the disease can be stopped if the right treatment and care are taken.

  • 2. Does gum recession hurt?

    Exposed roots: They are very sensitive to hot, cold, and sweet foods and drinks. Sometimes, it also results in pain and discomfort due to the recession of the gums.

  • 3. Is gum recession common?

    Yes. Gum recession is a very common problem. It is estimated to affect approximately 88% of people aged 65 and over. However, it can also hit at any time in life.

  • 4. Can gum recession be reversed?

    While the recession of the gum tissue itself cannot be reversed, some treatments like gum grafting re-cover exposed roots and somewhat restore a healthy gum line.

  • 5. How long does it take to treat gum recession?

    All these period lengths of the treatment for gum recession depend on the severity of the case and the nature of treatment that is to be carried out. While some procedures like deep cleaning can be done in one or two visits, gum grafting treatments take a few appointments.

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