How to Deal with a Chipped or Cracked Tooth

Posted on September 11, 2024 by Admin

How to Deal with a Chipped or Cracked Tooth

Should you chip or crack one of your teeth, it is a really stressful moment. Much anxiety can be avoided by knowing the steps you should take. Whether you chipped or cracked the tooth in an accident, by biting into something hard, or because of decay, you need to act fast to stop the problem from getting worse and to care for your mouth.

Identifying the Problem

Before you get to learn how to deal with a chipped or cracked tooth, know the symptoms that present the problem. The probability is that you will most likely notice the following:

Visible Damage: A visible chip or crack in the tooth.

Sensitivity: An increase in sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods and beverages.

Pain: Sensitivity during chewing or while biting down.

Gum Irritation: Swelling, bleeding around the tooth affected.

If you find any of these happening to you, do not wait; visit a dentist. A chipped or cracked tooth should be treated soon.

Home Treatment First Aid Measures to Take Immediately

  1. Rinse Your Mouth: Immediately after you have chipped or cracked your tooth, rinse your mouth with warm water to clean and prevent infection.
  2. Control Bleeding: Apply gentle pressure with clean cloth or gauze if there is bleeding. Hold pressure until it stops.
  3. Do No Eat Hard Foods: Do not eat any hard or crunchy food that could aggravate the injured area by friction.
  4. Use Cold Compress: If there is any discomfort or swelling, apply a cold compress to the outside of your cheek in such a way that the swelling could be controlled.
  5. Pain Relief: Pain relievers available over the counter can be used to help relieve the pain before you manage to visit a dentist.

Dental Visit

Once you have had your preliminary treatments to cope with your chipped or cracked tooth, it is vital to make an appointment with your dentist. Your dentist will be in a position to assess the extent of the damage and advise you accordingly on what action is best. Some of such treatments include:

Dental Bonding: For slight chips, the dentist might rebuild the shape and appearance of the tooth with tooth coloured resin.

Dental Crowns: In case of a badly cracked tooth, a crown would be placed over the tooth to protect it and recover some functionality.

Root Canal: In case the crack extends to the pulp of the tooth, a root canal may be necessary to remove infected tissue and possibly save the tooth.

Extraction: It is the last measure in bad cases where a structure cannot be saved.

Long-Term Care and Prevention

After going through a chipped or cracked tooth, one relates to the essential aspect of looking into its long-term care so that you are not faced with problems in future. Below are ways to attend to it:

Good Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth two times and floss once daily.

Mouth Guard: For people playing contact sports or people who grind teeth at night while sleeping, make use of a mouth guard to prevent tooth damage.

Stay Away from Hard Foods: Be careful with hard candies, ice, and other foods that can chip or crack your teeth.

Regular Dental Checkups: Schedule regular dental visits for cleaning and checkups. This allows the doctor to catch any problems early on.


Confronting a chipped or cracked tooth can be overwhelming, but knowing how to treat such a scenario can make all the difference. You might be able to save your teeth and your smile by taking quick action and seeking help, along with implementing the preventive measures. Remember, the dentist is always there to help you take care of your dental problems, so never be afraid to call for their help with emergency problems.

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  • 1. What should I do if I chip my tooth?

    In case of a chipped tooth, rinse your mouth with warm water, then stop any bleeding by pressure with gauze. Make sure not to eat from the chipped side. You should avoid eating hard foods and see your dentist as soon as possible so they can examine the tooth and decide on the rightful treatment.

  • 2. Can a chipped tooth heal on its own?

    A chipped tooth cannot heal itself, so professional dental treatment is necessary to return it to its full working condition without causing more harm.

  • 3. Is repairing a cracked tooth painful?

    The level of pain varies from one individual to the other, depending on the size of the damage or the process to be taken. Mostly, local anaesthesia is used to minimise pain in the repairing process.

  • 4. How can I stop chipping or cracking my teeth in the future?

    To prevent chipping/cracking your tooth you should practise good oral hygiene, avoid eating hard foods, use a mouth guard in sporting activities, and visit a dentist regularly for check-ups.

  • 5. What if I don't treat a chipped or cracked tooth?

    Neglecting a chipped or cracked tooth can lead to severe issues, such as infection, tooth decay, and even loss of the tooth. Timely dental management is the secret to curbing complications.

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