How to Properly Clean and Maintain Your Dentures

Posted on August 19, 2024 by Admin

How to Properly Clean and Maintain Your Dentures

How to Properly Clean and Maintain Your Dentures

To many people, dentures can be an integral part of everyday life, especially on issues concerning eating, speaking, and smiling. Much the same as any other appliances, dentures also need proper maintenance to stay in good condition and functioning well. 

Why Proper Maintenance is Important

Maintaining your dentures is quite important for a number of reasons:

  1. Oral Health: Keeping the dentures clean will help in the prevention of plaque and bacteria buildup that might give rise to diseases of the gums or other health problems within the mouth.
  2. Longevity: Regular maintenance will help you to get a longer period of life from your dentures and avoid money spent for their replacement.
  3. Comfort: Cleaned dentures have more comfort and fit; they reduce irritation or soreness in the mouth.
  4. Aesthetic Appeal: Clean dentures look better and contribute to a more natural smile.

Steps for Cleaning and Maintenance of Dentures

  1. After Meals, Rinse

Always rinse your dentures after meals. This is an easy step for the removal of food particles and plaque. Use warm—not hot—running water to prevent damaging your dentures when rinsing.

  1. Daily Cleaning Routine

Create a daily routine for cleaning your dentures like this:

  • Soft-Bristle Brush: You will need a denture brush or a soft-bristled toothbrush, specially developed for cleaning dentures. Regular toothbrushes might turn out to be too harsh and could scratch the surface of your dentures.
  • Mild Soap or Denture Cleaner: Clean your dentures with mild soap or specially made denture cleanser. Do not use regular toothpaste, which is rather harsh in nature and quite abrasive.
  • Gentle Brushing: Brush all surfaces gently: Clean regions of the denture that come into contact with your gums. Be critical of not bending or damaging clasps and attachments.
  1. Soaking Your Dentures

Apart from daily brushing, denture soaking is also an essential aspect of denture care:

  • Soak Overnight: Remove your dentures at night and soak them in a cleaning solution for dentures or plain water. This will help them to stay moist, thus avoiding drying out that can cause warping.
  • Follow Instructions: Always follow the instructions on the cleaning solutions which you apply to your dentures. Some solutions require rinsing before re-insertion.

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  1. Regular Check-Ups

You will also need to see your dentist regularly for advice on the proper care of your dentures. Your dentist can even check the fitting of your dentures for you and make small adjustments in case they become necessary, aside from checking if the condition of your mouth is healthy. You must visit your dentist at least once every year or whenever problems come up or you find that your dentures no longer fit as they should.

  1. Handle with Care

While cleaning and maintaining your dentures, do not jerk them around accidentally. Always clean the dentures over a soft surface—the towel or basin filled with water—in case they slip from the hand to minimise breakage.

  • Avoid Hot Water: Never soak your dentures or clean them with hot water. They can become warped by it and it might be altered.


Caring for Your Mouth with Dentures

  • Brush Your Gums and Tongue: You need to do this even if you have dentures. Brush your gums and tongue every day using a soft-bristled brush. It will maintain good blood flow to the gums and reduce potential oral infections.
  • Keep the mouth moist: The mouth must be kept moist by drinking adequate amounts of water. This becomes quite important in case of denture wearers because dry mouth most of the time becomes a cause of discomfort and trouble in wearing dentures.
  • Avoid foods that stain: Avoid foods likely to stain dentures, particularly coffee, tea, and red wine. You may want to rinse your dentures with water in such cases when you consume beverages of this type or food.


Proper care for dentures will make them last longer and be comfortable in wearing as well as in functioning. With good cleaning practices, soak the dentures daily overnight, and a routine visit to a dental centre, you will then be able to carry a hale and confident smile. Be assured that good oral health is obtained through healthier well-being; take your time in looking after your dentures and keeping the mouth in top condition.


  • 1. How often should I clean my dentures?

    Clean your dentures at least twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, and also after every meal.

  • 2. Can regular toothpaste be used to clean dentures?

    No, regular toothpaste is too abrasive. You should clean your denture with a mild soap or specially designed cleaner.

  • 3. What if my dentures don't fit properly?

    If your dentures become loose or uncomfortable, consult your dentist for adjustment. Regular checkups can prevent problems with the fit.

  • 4. Do I need to soak my dentures overnight?

    Yes, soaking your denture helps it to stay moist and prevents warping. Soak your denture in a denture cleaning solution or plain water.

  • 5. How can I prevent bad breath if I have dentures?

    Good oral hygiene includes daily cleansing of dentures, brushing of gums and tongue, and adequate hydration to prevent dry mouth.

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